
We are Vivamus IT company. We provide services of innovative software development. Our full-cycle development services include planning, development, integration, testing, and IT support. We also develop monitoring systems, provide cloud security, and IT consulting.

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About Us

We are a forward-thinking software development company offering a range of services, including IT consulting, business process analysis, software testing, maintenance, and support. Our journey began in 2020 when we founded Vivamus in Cyprus. Since then, we have expanded our reach globally, collaborating with clients around the world and establishing IT centers in developing countries like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and others.

Our Mission is to create working products, thanks to our team of professionals and our experience.

We are committed to producing high quality products, that is why our specialists are experienced and highly qualified. We are a team of young and ambitious people, ready to take on interesting projects and non-trivial tasks.



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Software Development

We help progressive companies to grow, scale, highlight and strengthen their competitive advantage through innovative, custom-designed software.

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Cloud Security

We implement a cloud migration plan using identity management as a service (IDaaS), test cloud protections using advanced tools for testing applications, images, and configurations.

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Development of monitoring systems

We develop special monitoring systems that allow us to track user behavior, activity, or the effectiveness of certain indicators.

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IT Consulting

We study and evaluate the prospects for your solutions, and help you find ways out of crisis situations to identify cybercriminals, minimize any losses from hacking, reduce possible risks of information disclosure.


Guardian Center Solutions (GCS) is a package of programs to assess the client account with all available information, reducing the financial and reputational losses of the company due to unscrupulous customers.


The risk assessment includes a comprehensive approach to the customer based on

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Customer's behavior on the website

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Use of payment systems and wallets

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Behavior during the registration

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Receiving bonuses

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User data are given in the customer's profile

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Multiple accounts held by the same customer